We do the best we can to make ends meet. When our hearts are open, inspiration unfolds.
I call this Simply Collectible because I am looking to cherish every breath, every tear, every drop of rain, every bit of laughter and every morsel of life.
This isn't about me. It's about my son, Seth, and the therapies and education that will help him flourish!


Seth went for his first (of three) day evaluation for class placement today for Capitol School.

It went very well. They were impressed at how prepared he was to handle everything and he was very eager to do everything that was presented. Will wanted to see his face when I picked him up so I went to get Will from work and we picked Seth up together.

Seth was walking out holding his artwork and chatting with the teacher's assistant. He NEVER chatters with people! They cut construction paper and glued it down. He made a happy girl. (He loves the girls.)

I got the packet turned in for the board to review for scholarship. We don't know when they meet or which class Seth will be accepted in to. What we DO know... Seth has 2 more evaluation days for class placement. For him to enroll immediately, we would have to pay the full tuition and supplies fees. That won't happen. We are about $2000 short. THAT is if he is required to go in to the Low Ratio class. If they say he can be admitted in to the Level 1 class, we can enroll him immediately, I think.

I need to sell about 250 patterns. *whew*

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